Article Submissions
journal welcomes submissions under the broad umbrella of
educational biography. We include research into the lives of
educators and those whose lives are educative, including
traditional biographical accounts as well as additional
biographical methods such as narrative, oral history,
autobiography, ethnography, autoethnography, self-study. we are
accepting submissions on any topic related to lives that are
educative and educator's lives. For past CFP examples and
issues, please see the VS Archives.
All manuscripts must be prepared according to the Chicago Manual
of Style (16th edition). Note that Vitae Scholasticae: The
Journal of Educational Biography uses the Notes method rather
than the Author-Date method. Please consult the Style Guidelines
for more information.
should be a maximum of 30 pages in length (including
references), double-spaced, in 12-point font, and have a 1″
margin on all sides. Authors should submit manuscripts
electronically in Microsoft Word file format. All identifying
information (author’s name, affiliation, position, fax number,
and e-mail address) should be submitted in a separate electronic
Identifying information should not appear in the manuscript in
order to ensure impartial review. Manuscripts are reviewed
anonymously by at least two members of the Editorial Board or
affiliates. All submissions are acted upon as quickly as
possible. Usually, decisions are made within 3 months. All
statements of fact or points of view in articles are the
responsibility of authors and do not represent any official
position of the International Society for Educational Biography.
Direct manuscript submissions to
ways to contact Dr. Bailey -
Lucy E. Bailey (She/Her/Hers)
Editor, VS: The Journal of Educational Biography
Oklahoma State University
215 Willard Hall
Stillwater Ok 74074