Vitae Scholasticae
The Journal of Educational Biography
Submission to Vitae Scholasticae: The Journal of Educational Biography

Editor: Lucy E. Bailey, Oklahoma State University

VS: The Journal of Educational Biography is a peer-reviewed journal that has been in publication since 1983. It typically publishes two issues per year. The journal publishes research articles, methodological essays on life writing, book reviews, review essays, as well as “Reflections and Applications” pieces that focus on creative pedagogical, autobiographical and methodological applications of life writing. We are accepting submissions on any topic related to lives that are educative and about educator's lives.

Research Article Submissions
The journal welcomes submissions under the broad umbrella of educational biography. We include research into the lives of educators and those whose lives are educative, including traditional biographical accounts as well as additional biographical methods such as narrative, oral history, autobiography, ethnography, autoethnography, self-study.

All manuscripts must be prepared according to the Chicago Manual of Style (16th edition). Note that Vitae Scholasticae: The Journal of Educational Biography uses the Notes method rather than the Author-Date method. Please consult the Style Guidelines for more information.

Manuscripts should be a maximum of 30 pages in length (including references), double-spaced, in 12-point font, and have a 1″ margin on all sides. Authors should submit manuscripts electronically in Microsoft Word file format. All identifying information (author’s name, affiliation, position, fax number, and e-mail address) should be submitted in a separate electronic file.

Identifying information should not appear in the manuscript in order to ensure impartial review. Manuscripts are reviewed anonymously by at least two members of the Editorial Board or affiliates. All submissions are acted upon as quickly as possible. Usually, decisions are made within 3 months. All statements of fact or points of view in articles are the responsibility of authors and do not represent any official position of the International Society for Educational Biography.

Review Essays and Book Reviews, and Methodological and Pedagogical Applications.

We also welcome other publications related to life writing, including reflective or analytical essays that engage with several books in life writing genres grouped around a key theme or issue (2,000-5,000 words). For our "extensions and applications" section, we welcome reflections on innovative methodological developments and questions in the field as well as short creative pieces (approximately 2,000 words) that reflect those methodologies in action. Pedagogical essays might focus on analyses of media, curriculum, syllabi, and activities authors have used in educational spaces to teach with or on life writing genres (500 t0 5.000 words).

Direct manuscript questions and submissions to

Other ways to contact Dr. Bailey -
Lucy E. Bailey (She/Her/Hers)
Editor, VS: The Journal of Educational Biography
Oklahoma State University
215 Willard Hall
Stillwater Ok 74074

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Gerald and Patricia Gutek have released a new book! This is a parallel biography of figures in the early US. Montessori movement.
From the marketing materials:
This book traces the early history of the Montessori movement in the United States through the lives and careers of four key American women: Anne George, Margaret Naumburg, Helen Parkhurst, and Adelia Pyle. Caught up in the Montessori craze sweeping the United States in the Progressive era, each played a significant role in the initial transference of Montessori education to America and its implementation from 1910 to 1920. Despite the continuing international recognition of Maria Montessori and the presence of Montessori schools world-wide, Montessori receives only cursory mention in the history of education, especially by recognized historians in the field and in courses in professional education and teacher preparation. The authors, in seeking to fill this historical void, integrate institutional history with analysis of the interplay and tensions between these four women to tell this educational story in an interesting—and often dramatic—way.    
For purchase and more information:

Stan Ivie
In the Shadow of the Trojan Horse
is a novel By Stanley D. Ivie. In the Shadow of the Trojan Horse contains a Don Quixote type character whose personal fantasies drive the story to its fateful conclusion. Like Don Quixote, Mr. Z is chasing an impossible dream. Just as Don Quixote had his Sancho Panza; so Mr. Z has his trusty sidekick, Nowell. The two ante-heroes set out to destroy the modern technological world by turning technology against itself, fighting fire with fire. Mr. Z hatches a diabolical scheme for taking control of the White House and of forcing the President to capitulate to non-negotiable demands. How Mr. Z manages to smuggle his Trojan Horse, a beautifully decorated but highly explosive Christmas tree, into the White House, and how the President’s three children manage to foil his plot, culminate in an exciting ending.

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