Archived Conferences
2023 - 39th Annual, Oklahoma City, OK
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2022 - 38th Annual, San Antonio, TX
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2021 - 37th Annual, St. Louis, MO
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Original conference announcement

2020 - Invited Presentations due to COVID-19; no formal conference

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2019 - 36th Annual, San Antonio, TX
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            Original conference announcement

2018 - 35th Annual, San Antonio, TX
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            Original conference announcement

2017 - 34th Annual, Toronto, Ontario, CN
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2016 - 33rd Annual, San Antonio, TX
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2015 - 32nd Annual, St. Louis, MO (Chase Park Plaza Hotel)
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2014 - 31st Annual, Toronto, Ontario, CN (Double Tree in downtown Toronto)
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2013 - 30th Annual
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Original conference announcement

2012 - 29th Annual, St. Louis, MO, USA (The Chase Park Plaza Hotel)
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            View photos from the conference (please send photos if you have them)

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2011 - 28th Annual, San Antonio, TX, USA (The Menger Hotel)
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            View photos from the conference (please send photos if you have them)

            Original conference announcement

2010 - 27th Annual, St. Louis, MO, USA (The Chase Park Plaza Hotel)
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            View photos from the conference (please send photos if you have them)

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2009 - 26th Annual, San Antonio, TX, USA, (The Menger Hotel)
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            View photos from the conference (please send photos if you have them)

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2008 - 25th Annual
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2007 - 24th Annual
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2006 - 23rd Annual
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2005 - 22nd Annual, Chicago, IL, USA (Raddison Hotel & Suites)
            View the conference program
            View photos from the conference
            Original conference announcement

If you have any conference programs or photos from earlier conferences, please forward those to Penny Craig.